Our Courses

Unlike many other training centres, we believe that the persistent use of PowerPoint poses a serious threat to your health, or at least your attention span. That’s why at Oncourse, we employ scenario-based learning and engaging teaching to make your training a rewarding, enjoyable experience. A tall order perhaps? Well, after bringing ‘Live to Life’ for over 35 years, the NEC group knows a thing or two about pleasing our audience…

There are many reasons why people enrol on our courses. In addition to enriching your career, health and safety training has a strong, positive effect on both business reputation and staff morale. Our experts have carefully chosen and helped develop our courses, ensuring we deliver the best possible H&S education for our candidates. So whether you’re dipping your toes into H & S for the first time, or want to further your education, Oncourse covers a range of subjects and levels to suit every need.

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